The truth about Certificate in Pharmacy in Kenya and Alternatives

Interested in studying certificate in pharmacy in Kenya? We have good and bad news lined up for you. The bad news is, the course has been discontinued in many institutions…

Interested in studying certificate in pharmacy in Kenya? We have good and bad news lined up for you.

The bad news is, the course has been discontinued in many institutions because it’s not recognized by the pharmacist’s regulatory body.

Now on the good news, there are other alternatives available for you. Let’s get into details.

Pharmacy and Poisons board take on certificate in Pharmacy in Kenya

According to the Kenya pharmacy and Poisons board, a body that registers and oversees pharmacy practice in Kenya, certificate in pharmacy is not recognized in Kenya.

Even if you enrol for the course, you will be registered to practice and the course is not a prerequisite for enrolment into a diploma in pharmacy course or any other program.

Alternatives to certificate in pharmacy

All is not lost, you can enrol for the following medical certificate courses.

  1. Certificate in health records.
  2. Certificate in nursing.
  3.  Certificate in perioperative theatre technology.
  4. Certificate in nutrition and dietetics.
  5. Certificate in medical laboratory technology.
  6. Certificate In environmental health sciences.
  7. Certificate in health promotion for the deaf
  8. Certificate in medical engineering.
  9. Certificate in orthopaedic trauma medicine.

In this article, we have provided you with comprehensive information on the state of certificate in pharmacy in Kenya.

Do you have any questions? Please ask in the comments section below. We will be happy to answer.

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