KMTC Diploma in Nursing requirements and Fees structure 2023

KMTC diploma in nursing is one of the most sought-after courses in the medical college. This is due to high training and graduates’ employability. Nursing graduates from Kenya Medical Training…

KMTC diploma in nursing is one of the most sought-after courses in the medical college. This is due to high training and graduates’ employability.

Nursing graduates from Kenya Medical Training have gained global recognition. A lot of nurses trained in the institution are already working in developed countries like UK and USA.

In this article, we will look at all nursing programs at KMTC, their requirements, fee’s structure and deposit accounts. Buckle up.

KMTC diploma in nursing programs.

  1. Kenya Registered Community Health Nursing (Pre-service).
  2. Kenya Registered Nursing Mental Health and Psychiatry Nursing.
  3. Kenya Registered Nurse.
  4. Kenya Registered Nurse/Mid- wifery (KRN/M).
  5. Kenya Registered Community Health Nursing (Upgrading from Enrolled Community Health Nurse).
  6. Kenya Registered Community Health Nursing (Upgrading from Enrolled Community Health Nursing).
  7. Kenya Registered Community Health Campuses Nursing (Upgrading from Enrolled Nurse /Midwife).

KMTC diploma in Nursing requirements (Entry).

  1. KSCE mean grade of C plain and above.
  2. C plain in either English or Kiswahili.
  3. C plain in either biology or biological sciences.
  4. C minus in chemistry, mathematics, or physics’/physical sciences.

Diploma nursing courses runs for three years. For upgrading students, the programs take 1.5 years on full time bases or 2 years if a student opts for distance learning.

KMTC certificate in Nursing requirements.

  1. KCSE mean grade of C minus.
  2. C minus in languages (English or Kiswahili).
  3. C minus in biology or biological sciences.
  4. D plus in either chemistry, mathematics or physics/physical sciences.

KMTC certificate in nursing course takes 2 years to complete. At the end, graduates are awarded with certificate in enrolled community health nursing. From here certificate holders can upgrade to diploma after registering with The Nursing Council of Kenya.

KMTC nursing fees structure

KMTC nursing fees structure for regular and self-sponsored students.

YEARAmount Ksh.(Regular)Amount Ksh.(Self-sponsored)
180, 700120, 700
278, 000118, 000
378, 000118, 000
439, 00059, 000
KMTC nursing fees structure 2021/2022

Nursing students are required to pay KSh. 1, 500 for skills lab manuals and materials.

KMTC students are encouraged to pay applicable year fees in full at the beginning of the academic year BUT they can pay in instalments i.e. first semester and second semester.

All students are also required to have an NHIF cover or present a copy of parents NHIF card during admission.

KMTC account number

KMTC account numbers for fees payment

National Bank, Hospital Branch, Nairobi. KMTC Central Collection Account01003086514000
Kenya Commercial Bank, Moi Avenue Branch, NairobiKMTC Holding Account1158030274

Deposits can be made at any branch countrywide.
Direct cash payment to the collage WILL NOT be accepted.

Final thoughts on Diploma in Nursing KMTC

Diploma in Nursing offered at KMTC is one of the most promising health course one can study in Kenya. To get a slot in the program, one needs to have scored mean grade C plain in KCSE with C plain in one Kiswahili/English, C plain in biology and C minis in chemistry or biology.

For those who don’t meet the cut for diploma, they can start with certificate in nursing and later upgrade a diploma.

School fees is manageable considering that the government offers student students through HELB. Furthermore, one can receive academic funding through county bursaries.

Find all KMTC nursing campuses HERE.

Wait, there is more

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  1. Hi my name is keziah
    Eng B minus
    Kisw C minus
    Bio B minus
    Chem C minus
    Math D minus
    Can i qualify for a diploma in nursing?
    Are there part time classes?

      1. C+ English,B- kis, C bio,C- chem,D maths, mean grade of C plus. Can I qualify for diploma in community health nursing

  2. Hello,,I got,,D+in Biology, D plain in Maths and Chemistry,, B- in English and meangrade C+. Do I qualify for any diploma or certificate courses in KMTC

  3. C- mathematics
    C plain in English
    C plain in biology
    D+ plus in chemistry

    Do I will for diploma in nursing?

  4. Hello am HOSEA mean grade C plain
    Math D+
    Chem C-
    Physics C plain
    English C plain
    Kiswahili C-
    Biology B-
    Do I qualify diploma in clinical medicine

  5. I did diploma in nutrition and dietetics and now I want to start Diploma in nursing. When is the last intake

  6. Hi I am Mr calvins I am inquiring to know whether intake is ongoing or not I would like to apply for diploma in nursing