All KMTC nursing colleges for certificate and diploma courses

The Kenya Medical Training College trains highly competent nurses at higher diploma, diploma, and certificate levels study. In this article, we will look at all KMTC nursing colleges and the…

The Kenya Medical Training College trains highly competent nurses at higher diploma, diploma, and certificate levels study.

In this article, we will look at all KMTC nursing colleges and the nursing courses that they offer.

But before we proceed, let us look at all KMTC nursing courses that are currently on offer. Shall we?

List of all KMTC nursing courses

The following is a list of all nursing courses offered at the Kenya Medical Training College.

  1. Diploma in Kenya registered Nursing and midwifery.
  2. Certificate in community health nursing.
  3. Higher diploma in critical care nursing.
  4. Higher Diploma in pediatric nursing.
  5. Higher Diploma in Nephrology nursing.
  6. Higher Diploma in Family Health Nursing.
  7. Higher Diploma in oncology nursing.
  8. Higher Diploma in Kenya registered nurse anesthesia.

KMTC nursing colleges for diploma

The following is a table of all KMTC nursing colleges accredited by the Nursing Council of Kenya to offer diploma in nursing.

KMTC collegeLocationNursing course
Bondo kmtcSiayaKenya registered community health nursing – preservice
Bungoma kmtcBumgomaKenya registered community health nursing -preservice
Busia kmtcBusiaKenya registered community health nursing -preservice
Chuka kmtcTharaka nithiKenya registered community health nursing – preservice
Embu kmtcEmbuKenya registered community health nursing – preservice
Eldoret kmtcEldoretKenya registered community health nursing – preservice
Gatundu kmtcKiambuKenya registered community health nursing – preservice
Iten kmtcElgeyo marakwetKenya registered community health nursing preservice
Homa bay kmtcHomabayKenya registered community health nursing preservice
Kapkatet kmtcKerichoKenya registered community health nursing -preservice
Kaptumo kmtcNandiKenya registered community health nursing -preservice
Kakamega kmtcKakamegaKenya registered community health nursing -preservice
Kilifi kmtcKilifiKenya registered community health nursing preservice
Kisii kmtcKisiiKenya registered community health nursing -preservice
Kitale kmtcTrans nzoiaKenya registered community health nursing – preservice
Kisumu kmtcKisumuKenya registered community health nursing – preservice
Kombewa kmtcKisumuKenya registered nursing/midwifery – preservice
Lake victoria kmtcKisumuKenya registered community health nursing- preservice
Machakos kmtcMachakosKenya registered community health nursing – preservice
Makindu kmtcMakueniKenya registered community health nursing – preservice
Makueni kmtcMakueniKenya registered community health nursing – preservice
Mathari kmtcNairobiKrn/mh&pn- in- service
Msambweni kmtcKwaleKenya registered community health nursing – preservice
Meru kmtcMeruKenya registered community health nursing – preservice
Migori kmtcMigoriKenya registered community health nursing – preservice
Mosoriot kmtcNandiKenya registered community health nursing – preservice
Mombasa kmtcMombasaKenya registered community health nursing – preservice
Muranga kmtcMurangaKenya registered community health nursing – preservice
Mwingi kmtcKituiKenya registered community health nursing – preservice
Nairobi kmtcNairobiKenya registered community health nursing – in service
Nakuru kmtcNakuruKenya registered community health nursing – preservice
Nyamira kmtcNyamiraKenya registered community health nursing – preservice
Nyandarua kmtcNyandaruaKenya registered community health nursing – preservice
Kmtc port reitzMombasaKenya registered community health nursing – preservice
Siaya kmtcSiayaKenya registered community health nursing – preservice
Sigowett kmtcKerichoKenya registered community health nursing – preservice
Teso kmtcBusiaKenya registered nursing/midwifery – preservice
Thika kmtcKiambuKenya registered community health nursing – preservice
Vihiga kmtcVihigaKenya registered community health nursing – preservice
Voi kmtcTaita tavetaKenya registered community health nursing – preservice
Webuye kmtcKakamegaKenya registered community health nursing – preservice
All kmtc nursing colleges for diploma

KMTC campuses offering certificate in Nursing

KMTC is the only institution offering a certificate in Nursing at the moment. The course is offered in the following colleges.

CollegeCounty Certificate Nursing Course
Garissa kmtcGarissaKenya enrolled community health nursing – preservice
Isiolo kmtcIsioloKenya enrolled community health nursing – preservice
Kabarnet kmtcBaringoKenya enrolled community health nursing – preservice
Kapenguria kmtcWest pokotKenya enrolled community health nursing – preservice
Kitui kmtcKituiKenya enrolled community health nursing – preservice
Lodwar kmtcTurkanaKenya enrolled community health nursing – preservice
Loitoktok kmtcKajiadoKenya enrolled community health nursing – preservice
Wajir kmtcWajirKenya enrolled community health nursing – preservice

KMTC Nursing FAQ’s

How Long does it take to study nursing at KMTC?

A certificate in nursing takes 2.5 years while Diploma in Nursing takes 3.5 years.

Which KMTC offers a diploma in Nursing?

KMTC Nakuru, KMTC Nairobi, KMTC Chuka, and KMTC Nyahururu are some of the campuses that offer diplomas in nursing.

What is the minimum grade for nursing?

A certificate in nursing requires a C-, a diploma C plain, and a degree C+. students also have to meet all subject requirements.

Winding Up

We have looked at all KMTC nursing colleges and courses offered. If you are planning to apply, we wish you all the best.

Incase of any questions, please ask in the comments section below.

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  1. Can someone apply a diploma in nursing having attained a c- but have met the required cluster subject cutoff points???????

  2. Can a student with a C grade and D in biology, D in math and D in chemistry qualify for a certificate in nursing?

  3. Hallo, my sister want to study certificate in community health nursing she attained c- English c plain,bio d plain, math d+ does she qualifies?

  4. Hello I got C+ in my KCSE and have done so many applications but no letter received I want to persue certificate in enrolled community health nursing I got C- in Biology,,,B- in math,,,B- in kiswahili,,C- in English

  5. I’m so interested to join kmtc offered courses. But especially the one taking for diploma in Kenya registered community health nursing. I would like to apply in the upcoming march intake next year. Please help me archive my goals. Thank you.