Post graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) requirements and institutions

In this article, we will explore the registration/entry requirements for post graduate diploma in education (PGDE) in Kenya and institutions. 

A post graduate diploma in education (PDGE) is a one-year graduate course for degree holders who want to pursue a career in education besides their degree course.

However, as we shall see later on, not all degree courses + PGDE will be eligible for registration by the teacher’s services since TSC has banned some undergraduate courses.

In this article, we will turn the spotlight on the admission and TSC registration requirements, and undergraduate courses not eligible for enrollment/registration.

Let’s dive right in.

TSC Requirements for post graduate diploma in Education in Kenya.

To be registered as a teacher by the Teacher’s Service Commission in Kenya, you have to meet the following requirements.

  1. Have a bachelor’s degree in arts or science.
  2. Should have scored a mean grade of C plus and above in KCSE.
  3. Have a mean grade of C+ and above in two teaching subjects.

PGDE Modules/units

You will be required to take the following 15 units. Note that they may be different in your selected institution.

  1. Educational Psychology
  2. Methods of Teaching, Media and Resources
  3. Philosophy of Education
  4. History of Education
  5. Educational Admin. & Management
  6. Project (To be continued in 2nd semester)
  7. Educational Media & Resources 
  8. Sociology of Education & Comparative Education
  9. Educational Planning and Economics
  10. Guidance and Counselling
  11. Educational Measurement and Evaluation
  12. Subject Methods (Each subject 2 units)
  13. Project (To be completed)
  14. Media Practicals & Microteaching
  15. Teaching Practice (after course work)

PGDE Banned courses

It’s important to note that TSC does not register graduates in the following fields of study despite having a PGDE.

According to the teacher’s regulatory body, graduates in these programs do not have enough content grasp required to teach in high school.

  1. Journalism
  2. Kiswahili and Communication
  3. Business Management/Administration
  4. Banking and Finance
  5. Genomics
  6. Actuarial science
  7. Environmental science
  8. Criminology
  9. Biotechnology
  10. All courses related to engineering
  11. Industrial Chemistry
  12. Biochemistry
  13. Hospitality and tourism
  14. Foods, nutrition, and Dietetics
  15. Technology and applied biology
  16. Microbiology
  17. Natural resources
  18. Meteorology
  19. Forestry
  20. Animal husbandry
  21. Horticulture
  22. Farm machinery
  23. Fisheries
  24. Anthropology
  25. Sociology
  26. Theology/Divinity

According to TSC, the above courses do not provide enough subject content and therefore there is not enough mastery of teaching subjects.

Institutions offering postgraduate diploma in education in Kenya

You can enrol for PGDE in either of the following institutions.

  1. University of eldoret.
  2. The University of Nairobi.
  3. Egerton University
  4. Chuka University
  5. Maseno University
  6. Daystar University
  7. The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  8. The University of Eastern Africa Baraton
  9. Mount Kenya University (they also offer an online postgraduate diploma in education)
  10. The Presbyterian University of East Africa
  11. KCA University
  12. Masinde Muliro University
  13. Machakos University College
  14. Kenyatta University
  15. Moi University
  16. Kisii University

The course takes at least one year to complete with fees ranging anywhere between KES 100, 000 and KES 200, 000. That’s all we had on a postgraduate diploma in education.

If you have any questions on this topic, kindly ask in the comments box below. We will be happy to answer.

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  1. Hi..
    I have done Bachelor of Arts (Literature with Information Technology)
    I would like to do PGDE in English & Literature then go for an enhancement certificate in English units

    Will I be considered for TSC number?

  2. Hello am Patrick I did bachelor of science in mathematics and I want to enroll post graduate diploma in education, kindly am asking the minimum units required for each subject by TSC

  3. I started as a bsc student but in third year majored in biotechnology.though i have minimum number of units required .do i qualify for registration as a teacher after pgde?


  5. I had a B minus mean grade. I did Bsc general taking biology and chemistry in undergraduate. On the other hand I had C minus in maths. Will this maths affect me in any way if I take PGDE in biology and chemistry??

  6. I have done BSC Mathematics with information technology but I didn’t do computer science in secondary school but I had a n overall mean grade of B-. Can I get a tsc number if I do postgraduate diploma in education (Mathematics and Computer science)?

  7. Hi,I had a D plain in mathematics, this did not qualify me to do education so I took bachelor of arts general, religion History and kiswahili being my specialized subjects,,I am to drop one in my third year but I love them all,,any advice on the best between the three,,and can I be absorbed by TSC if I go further doing my post graduate
    Or between doing post graduate diploma in education and going for masters direct which one is the best?

    1. Hi Ruth, with a BA degree and a post graduate diploma in Education, you will be eligible for regsitration with TSC. You can also opt to enroll for a mesters degree in a field like public relations. It all depends with your passion and interest.