The rapid growth of the digital sphere in Kenya has called for robust cyber security measures.

If you are passionate about protecting and safeguarding data and information online, then a diploma in cyber security in Kenya can be the right career choice for you.

This course will equip you with cyber security hands-on skills through simulated training where you will learn to identify cybersecurity threats and develop defense layers against cyber attacks.

Schools offering Diploma in cyber security in Kenya

You can enroll for the course in any of the following public institutions.

  1. Bondo technical training institute
  2. Co-operative university of kenya
  3. Jaramogi oginga odinga university of science and technology
  4. Kamukunji technical vocational college
  5. Karumo technical training institute
  6. Kiambu institute of science and technology
  7. Kibabii university
  8. Kitutu chache technical & vocational college
  9. Laikipia university tvet institute
  10. Michuki technical training institute
  11. Mukiria technical training institute
  12. Mwala technical & vocational college
  13. Rift valley technical training institute
  14. Riragia technical training institute
  15. Ruiru technical and vocational college
  16. Ziwa technical training institute

Entry requirements for cyber security diploma in Kenya

To be admitted for a diploma in cyber security in Kenya, you need a KCSE mean grade of C minus or above.

Alternatively, a certificate in the same course or related is also acceptable.

Diploma in cyber security career paths

The following are career options available for you once you acquire your cyber security diploma.

  1. Cybercrime analyst.
  2. IT auditor.
  3. Penetration and vulnerability tester.
  4. Cybersecurity engineer.
  5. Software developer.
  6. Cyber security architect.
  7. Systems engineer.
  8. Financial and risk analyst.
  9. Security intelligence.

Career options for cyber security in Kenya are plenty considering there is an existing skill gap.

To find the right program for you, review the course content, faculty expertise, and practical learning in your preferred institution.

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